Wednesday, January 13, 2016

average night routine

My after school routine varies a lot. Some days I have practice, some nights I come home right after school. Today I came home right after school so without further ado, my first post!

3:05- get out of school and drive home
3:20- arrive home; spend some time outside with my pets and then head inside
3:30- grab some fruit and a glass of water and spend fifteen minutes eating and catching up on my social media
3:45- then I go down to my room and toss my book bag and school laptop in my room and take ten or so minutes to clean up my room from the morning because it's usually a mess when I leave in a hurry
4:00- I then change into some workout clothes and do my everyday workout routine (link to routine once posted) which takes about 30 minutes after I cool down
4:30- then I grab my homework out of my book bag and do any homework I have to do. (I'm a junior in high school so I either have three hours of homework or thirty minutes of homework there is no in between)
5:00- after my homework is done, I go back up to the kitchen and get my lunch ready for the following day. Starting this month, I have been taking my lunch to school and I can't explain how much it has changed my life. I pack healthier food than what the school gives us and when I get home I am not starving and pig out on everything in sight, I can grab some pineapple or something and be good until dinner
5:30- if I have any extra time before I eat supper, this is where I either write up a blog post or get on social media again. Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, about anything you can think of
6:30- my family usually eats around this time at night by the time my parents are home and ready to eat
7:00- after we eat, I usually sit down and make sure all of my meals and workouts were tracked with my Jawbone UP app (link to review of the Jawbone UP24 once posted) and I check my stats for the day including steps, sleep, and smart coach
7:30- I usually try to pick out my outfit for the next day (link to school outfit ideas for the lazy girl)
7:45- once again if I find myself with free time, I do normal teenage things like social media
8:30- I like to shower around this time to get it out of the way and to make sure I am getting the right amount of sleep and giving myself time to plan the next day
9:00- once I am showered and in bed, (I don't take thirty minute showers :)) I grab a book I am currently reading and read (link to my current favorite books once posted)
9:30- around this time I am usually exhausted and am ready for a nice full night of sleep. But before I go to bed I always get out my bullet journal (link to how I set up my bullet journal once posted) and check off all the things I did that day and plan the next day. After I am done with that I get out my 365 Questions book and answer the daily question

After this I turn off my lights and go to sleep! Until next time,
be entially you

**this post is not affiliated with any companies, all opinions are mine**

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